First international conference CALT:
"Creative Approaches to Learning and Teaching"
Osijek, March 24 - 25, 2023
The first international conference CALT: Creative Approaches to Learning and Teaching was held at the Faculty of Education in Osijek on March 24 and 25, 2023. The conference was jointly organized by the Faculty of Education, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Center for Scientific work in Vinkovci.
The purpose of the conference was to bring together all experts and scientists whose work is aimed at questioning the traditional and contemporary view of creativity and at promoting new approaches in learning and teaching in which the emphasis is placed on creative activity and expression.
The conference also dealt with the following issues:
- Understanding of the cognitive and affective mechanisms of creative thinking processes
- Imagination and creativity in childhood
- Creativity and critical thinking skills in today's school
- Opportunities for the development and creation of a creativity-nurturing atmosphere for students
- New creative practices in primary and secondary education
- The role of the teacher in encouraging and developing creativity
- The relationship between teacher enthusiasm and student engagement in creative activities
- Evaluation of students' creative work
- The subject-oriented system and creative processes
- Encouraging students to express themselves creatively in extracurricular activities
- The challenges of teachers in art schools (music, dance and art) when conducting activities that encourage students to express themselves creatively
- Creative thinking in the digital age
- The impact of AI and VR/AR technology on the creativity of teachers and students
The conference gathered 282 participants from 17 different countries (Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the USA).
The invited keynote speakers were distinguished scientists who have contributed significantly to the research of new approaches to learning and teaching that emphasise creative activities and expression. These are Pamela Burnard, a professor from the University of Cambridge (Faculty of Education) and Vlad Glăveanu, a full professor from Dublin City University (Ireland) and the University of Bergen (Norway).
Pamela Burnard, PhD, University of Cambridge, UK
'Revisioning Creative Approaches to Learning and TEaching: Lessons from Posthuman Inquiry'
Vlad Glăveanu, PhD, School of Psychology at Dublin City University, Ireland; University of Bergen, Norway
'Pedagogies of the Possible: Reimagining Education'
As part of the conference, a Student Forum was held, which included student lectures and workshops. The Student Forum started on Friday, March 24th at 2:00 pm and ended on Saturday, March 25th at 4:30 pm. However, SF participants were able to attend the entire conference for free.
FRIDAY, 24th March 2023
8:30 - Registration (Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, Osijek, Aula Magna, 2nd Floor)
9:30 - Opening ceremony (Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, Osijek, Aula Magna, 2nd Floor)
10:00 - Break
Pamela Burnard, PhD, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Revisioning Creative Approaches to Learning and Teaching: Lessons from Posthuman Inquiry
Vlad Glăveanu, PhD, School of Psychology at Dublin City University, Ireland, University of Bergen, Norway
- Pedagogies of the Possible: Reimagining Education
13:00 - Lunch for all participants (Faculty of Education, Cara Hadrijana 10, Osijek)
14:00 - Parallel sessions
16:00 - Coffee break
16:30 - Parallel sessions
18:30 - Coffee break
19:00 - Music program
SATURDAY, 25th March 2023
8:30 - Registration (Faculty of Education, Cara Hadrijana 10, Osijek)
9:00 - Parallel sessions
10:40 - Poster presentations
11:00 - Coffee break
11:30 - Parallel sessions
13:30 - Citiy tour with a professional guide
15:00 - Parallel sessions
17:00 - Coffee break
17:30 - Parallel sessions
19:00 - Closing ceremony